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Comments from Our Indian Brethren

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Three Christians from India recently wrote to us about the book, saying,
"It is a wonderful book that includes a New Testament. It is a guide to help people to understand the teachings that our Creator has given us through the inspired writers. This book helps others to study the Scriptures and aids them in becoming faithful Christians. It can teach the way of salvation to as many people as read it. "Many questions which people have are solved by this book—questions like 'Does God Exist?'; 'Who is God the Father?'; 'Who is the Holy Spirit?'; and 'What is the Church?' Near the end of the book, a final question is asked: 'What Will you Do with Jesus?' There will be no second opportunities to change our relationship with God after entering the world of eternity. If anyone will read this book and live His Word, He will change that person into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. Only one source offers words of strength and comfort: the Bible. Many Marathi unsaved people will be saved through the great and true teaching found in the book Seeking a Better Life."

In His service,
Brother Timothy Dongardie, Brother Lukas, and Brother Yeshudas
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