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 Special Projects 

     A Year in the Word
     Latin America
     Through the Scriptures
     Into the Abundant Life
     Becoming a
       Faithful Christian

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How the funds will be used

Printing and distribution costs

Each Becoming a Faithful Christian book will cost $1.50. That $1.50 is divided up in the following way: The book will be printed for $.90. Perhaps this price can be lower in some places where it will be printed. Of the $1.50, $.25 will be used for the transportation or postage to get the book to the people who need it. The remaining $.35 will be needed for follow-up.


Various addresses will be included in each book, such as the address of a local grading center for correspondence courses, a local address for contacting Truth for Today World Mission School, plus several other addresses. This will enable the people who read the book to contact churches quickly and ask for additional help in becoming Christians and establishing congregations of the Lord's church.

Additional gospel literature may be sent to help converts understand more completely their new life in Christ. Those who become Christians may ask us to continue to send materials to use as their Bible class literature and as the sermons that they will study from Sunday to Sunday. - Truth for Today World Mission School

More follow-up may be done by people accessing Truth for Today World Mission School has a long history of providing biblical study materials to preachers, teachers, and Christians all over the world. A wealth of material may be accessed through