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The Leadership Positions of TFTWMS

Characteristics and Qualifications

Vice-directors are being sought for TFTWMS. Applicants must have proven to be faithful and conscientious men. These men should have special expertise in global evangelism, leadership, and financial affairs. They are to be men of integrity, who are faithful members (in service and attendance) of a local congregation of the churches of Christ. They must share the ideals reflected in the stipulations and obligations (that are specified by the elders and board of TFTWMS) for the allocation of the funds. They should be men who have a world vision for Christ, who have maintained blameless reputations among the brotherhood (that is, they cannot be known as hobbyists, cranks, or troublemakers), and who have missionary hearts that are indicated by their dreams and actions in worldwide evangelism.

In addition, they should be men who accept the verbally inspired nature of the Bible, that is, believing that both the Old and the New Testaments were inspired by the Holy Spirit to the very words used in the original autographs. They should be proficient in Hebrew and Greek and have both a desire to write and the ability to write biblical materials. Furthermore, they should believe deeply in the concept of the restoration of the New Testament ideal throughout the world and should be active in urging all people to return to the New Testament and be what Christ, the apostles, and other inspired men of the New Testament have taught us to be.

These men should respect and promote the New Testament church and must not, in any way, sanction or lend credence to denominationalism, that is, religious bodies created by man. They must value the exposition of the great teachings of the Bible in a fundamental, safe, and practical way. They should be defenders of the faith, urging others to seek salvation as clearly taught in the Scriptures. They should emphasize that baptism is for the forgiveness of sins and that it places the convert in the spiritual body of Christ, the New Testament church. They should promote the worship of God according to the New Testament pattern and must not encourage human innovation regarding that worship—such as instrumental music in worship—in any way. They must be committed to advocating the universal Christianity of the New Testament with its eternal principles that may be appropriately applied in any culture.

The vice-directors are to provide faithful leadership in the production of the biblical materials that are being printed. Part of their workweek will be speaking Sunday morning and evening on behalf of TFTWMS to inform the brotherhood of this work and to raise additional funds. They should be deeply committed to this mission and reflect this commitment in their time and contributions. They should be involved in soul-winning of some type locally and be thinking through new methods of evangelism. They should be men who will lead the members of the staff to make good use of their time in fulfilling their roles of service in connection with TFTWMS. They will ultimately oversee, as an arm of the elders and the board, each staff member and each work that TFTWMS embraces.

Funds for the vice-directors will be set aside to provide a reasonably good support salary, life and health insurance, and travel expenses.

When the time comes, the next director of TFTWMS will be chosen from the vice-directors after he has been tested and proven to be the quality of leader that is needed.